October 02, 2011

A Beautiful Weekend

So this weekend was a fairly crazy weekend. Having a full-time job, where I work 12 hour shifts fairly consistently, whenever I have days off, it seems to become very over-booked. This weekend, for example, consisted of volunteering at the Washington Catholic Schools bingo, where I had gone to high school, on Friday. On Saturday, I was able to share with my group of friends in walking the Buddy Walk for Smile on Down Syndrome. My siblings and I were able to lead the liturgy as musicians for the evening Mass, followed by a beautiful fire and weenie roast with my dad's extended family. Today (Sunday) consisted of waking up fairly early [since I was up late for the weenie roast] to help coordinate a picnic follow-up event for the Teens Encounter Christ movement.

It is typical for me that, when preparing for a big event, such as a TEC follow-up, I always come in to the event with such expectations. I plan what I want to get out of it, and how it should go. I may get worried about questions like, "Will the teens have fun?" or "How many people will show up?" It is so easy to get tunnel vision and miss what is directly in front of me! I know from previous experience that Christ tries each day to reveal Himself to me. For me, getting caught up in planning, details, and worries really keeps me from being open to seeing His face. And that's how my day had begun when I showed up to Sacred Heart Parish in Vincennes for Mass.

Fr. Jason began Mass as usual, and I noticed that a Hispanic family had walked up with him during the procession. Father proceeded to explain that this little girl, probably six years old, was going to be baptized. The look of excitement on her face was so beautiful! After the homily and prayers of the faithful, Fr. Jason invited her family to come forward for her to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism. The part that really spoke to me from the experience was when it was time for the actual baptism. There was a little step stool for her to reach the baptismal font, and she literally hopped up there, step by step. She looked so excited as she reached her little head over the font. Then, realizing that she had her headband on, she just whipped it off, and once again, was ready to go! It was so beautiful to see her excitement and openness to Christ's gift of grace. For the rest of Mass, she had a smile that could not be wiped off of her face.

This moment helped me to see how unaware I become at times, in the busyness of life, of what grace God has given. I focus so much on my anxiety, worry, the evils of the world, the plans I "have" to make, my work, etc, that many times I miss His invitation, His call, His gift. Lord Jesus, please help me to be open to Your grace each day! Thank you for that reminder, in such a beautiful, but busy weekend, that to truly find You I need to be open, like a little girl again!

[Oh, and for those who care to know, the TEC follow-up went beautifully and was a great reminder of how Christ is working in the Diocese of Evansville! And I got to blow some pretty cool bubbles with Sr. T--another great moment given to me by Him!]

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