October 26, 2011

The Bubble

I was catching up with a friend at Steak n' Shake on 38th Street late one night. We spent a solid two and a half hours chatting the night away as I hammered down spoonful after spoonful of a chocolate milkshake (it didn't take me that long to eat/drink? it). We talked about so many different things about what was happening in our lives, and I could tell we enjoyed every minute of being with each other. We watched as the night rush of loud teens, families, and a few rowdy drunk guys fizzle out into a relatively calm atmoshpere. It had been too long since I had spent time with this friend, my life was in top gear up to that moment, I was feeling pushed to the limit in so many ways. But to take time to see a dear friend made all the difference in the world that night.
That time with him was a bubble in my day. A separate entity that rose from the steaming vat of stress, hovered above it, and sustained itself in its own world for a time. It didn't necessarily pop either, leaving me to plunge back into an acidic world. It waited until my world settled a bit, and came back down to rest.
I needed a bubble. God has this tendency to know when we need a brief escape, so we can face the world with renewed vigor. So He gives us a bubble or two in order to calm our hearts.


  1. I have had a lot of "bubble experiences" lately, too. The past few weeks have been incredibly streesful -- not any one thing in particular, but a lot of "moderate-stress" all piled together. But then God gives me moments where He is gently reminding me that He is in control, and He is above all the stress.

    Sometimes, it's a song at Mass, or part of a homily. Sometimes, it's a group of 9yr olds asking REALLY GOOD questions about saints, even when it's completely off topic. Or a bunch of 5yr olds requesting to sing their favorite Psalms. And then going to have a discussion with freshmen about what it means to deny oneself and follow Christ. Sometimes, it's the simple knowledge that my friends are there for me, and that we share our burdens and carry together to lighten the load.

    Recently, I've had the feeling that God is using these "bubble moments" that seem to rise above all the stress to teach me an important lesson. Even when the moment ends, the feeling continues; none of the stressors have gone away, but my outlook has changed, and I am much more aware of what I have been given. I think God is using these beautiful moments to remind me that HE is in control, and that HE gives everything to me. Even those things that stress me out are born from good, because they are a gift from Him.

  2. That's awesome! I actually smiled when I read this because it's so true. Your perspective does change when you have a bubble moment. And yes, He does use those moments to make us take a step back and realize that he is in control of all things, and that we need not worry so dang much. Thanks Anna.


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