But when I got to the park and began my walk, once again, I felt EXTREMELY thirsty. As I downed about 1/3 of my bottle of water, I began to think... what else in my life do I thirst for? Is it just water? What other needs do I have that need to be filled, besides this endless desire for agua, H2O, water itself! There are so many things out there that I should be thirsting for... and yet in the hustle and bustle of life, how quickly time goes, and how narrow-minded I can become in my role as a human being, I tend to forget about, to not be aware of those "other" thirsts.
What are we thirsting for? Truth? Beauty? Justice? Love? As I walked around Baumert Lake in Washington, Indiana, I began to realize that what I am really thirsting for is a true desire for Christ... in reality, I am thirsting for God and for Christ in my life! If only I would be aware in each moment of the gift of Christ, how He is constantly wanting to quench that thirst with his grace!
Lord Jesus, help me to be more aware of my thirst for you. Help us to drink in your love and grace each day. May we always thirst for you!!!
Oh, by the way, four hours later, and I am still thirsty... but is that a bad thing? I don't think so!
Psalm 63: 1-4
O God, you are my God—
O God, you are my God—
it is you I seek!
For you my body yearns;
for you my soul thirsts,
In a land parched, lifeless,
and without water.
I look to you in the sanctuary
to see your power and glory.
For your love is better than life;
my lips shall ever praise you!
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